Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Day of School!

So I had my first day of College on August 24Th! I went pretty good. I had three classes on Monday and I was done by 12:20. It was really nice! So far all my professors seem really cool. I am really stoked for my Human Development class. My professor is pretty funny and it will be interesting! And the good news is I am loving it more and more each day! I am making lots of new friends! Its weird growing up and being independent! Just thought you all would want to know that! Well love ya!
This is my desk after only one day of school! I can't believe how much homework you get! But its fine for now. I have lots of time so I can do it. This is my first day of school pic! And no I didn't have it picked out for weeks, ha ha ha. It was raining in the morning so I just threw this on. I am wearing jeans and flip flops on the bottom (just in case you were wondering).
Technically this isn't the first day of school but these next two pictures are updates of my room. I finally got some decorations for my wall. I need more pictures of everyone, I don't have a lot. Please e-mail some to me or give them to me when I come home! The more the better!!

Love the D-Will poster? Because I sure do!


  1. Looks like fun Juls! Love all the water bottles on the desk! Reminds me of your desk at home! Sure miss you but glad you are having this opportunity! Love ya!

  2. Don't ya just LOVE being done with your classes before 1:00pm? I remember loving that! It is so nice to have the extra time to do stuff! Your room is SO cute, just missing some pictures of Carson! I will email you some!!! You can save them to your computer and then upload and print them at Target, Walmart, etc. Just in case you didn't know that already?!?! If that is a pain though, I will print some off and bring them to your mom this weekend...we are heading to SLC to go boating with Ty's friends on Saturday. Well, this post has turned into a novel, so talk to ya later!

  3. Julie!! You look so cute! Good luck up there in LOGAN! Give Kels and Josh hugs for me if you ever see them!

  4. Julie! I'm glad you went with the Deron Williams poster. That's what's up! (I'm hoping you read this with the correct "voice".) hahahahahahaha.

  5. Hey,Julie - Happy College Life!! Don't forget to go see Sarah's grandma in old main....she usually gives out Aggie Ice Cream coupons. :)

    Tell Chelsie 'hello'.. Looks like the two of you will have a lot of fun.

