Monday, October 26, 2009

FHE Halloween Party

Our ward had a Family Home Evening Halloween Party today. We had a blast as you can tell. The party was full of fun events. To top it all off, the bishop provided some dinner for us which was delicious. Free food is always a good thing for college students.
First there was a pumpkin carving relay. This is my team (plus Marlee) and our pumpkin. We totally won!! I did the right eye and the left ear/cheek not sure what it is.
Then we got to make our own caramel apples. We had to share so Marlee and I partnered up.
There was also a cake walk. This is where there are numbers on the floor and you move around till they say stop. Then you have to do something such as a dance, then you get a treat. I never won but it was fun I guess.
This is Marlee, Katie, Kalin, and Steph. We are all chillin eating our caramel apples. It was yummy.
Cute Stephanie!
There was also Halloween pictonary, but we decided to opt out on that one. Instead we went home to meet up with the rest of the roomies and we had a chick flick movie night. Bride Wars and The Proposal. Classics!