Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New Room!

Yes it's true! I'm back up at Utah State for year 2, and already loving it! New roommates, new friends, harder classes, and tons more school spirit!

Here is my room. I am standing in the door way. So this is what you see when you are looking from the kitchen into my room.
My roommate Steph gave me this great idea. You hang twine with push pins then clothes pin pictures on. It look really cute. These are hung next to the lamp (not above my bed but the other side). The picture above was taken before I hung these.
Here is my wonderful desk, that yes I did put together. Mom put together the chair beautifully! We are such handy women!
Here is my dresser. To the left is my bathroom and my door out to the kitchen is to the right.
Here is my book shelf. It is a work in progress right now.
Well there is my new room. Lots of pink, but I'm loving it!
Love ya!


  1. post 80's pictures!!! ps cute room! i love seeing these sorts of things on your blog because i never get to see them in real life =)
